In this series of posts we explain what the different parts of the label on a cosmetics container are trying to tell you. These posts were sent to our email subscribers before being posted here. They were also posted on our Instagram page. We hope this information will help you be a more educated cosmetics consumer.
Episode 1. Why this brand?
Imagine you are looking for a product for dry skin, a common condition. At your preferred drugstore or grocery store, real life or virtual, there are many options to pick from. Some you may have tried before. Others you haven’t tried but you know the brand. Then there are brands you never heard of. How do you choose?
In this series of posts we will show you how to read a cosmetic product label. We will discuss the information on the label, product claims that a brand may make, the ingredient list, and other criteria that you may use to select one product over another. Understanding what products are communicating on their labels, you will be able to make an informed selection.
The first thing one notices about a product is the container shape, size, and color, as well as the name. All of these are part of the brand identity. Some brands have a unique bottle which is protected with design patents, so competitors can’t copy it. For example, Dove Body Wash has a soft white bottle with a teardrop shape. This communicates softness and gentleness.
The packaging can be beautiful, but you don’t know if you’ll like the product until you try what’s inside. Sometimes there’s a nice scent, but that doesn’t tell you much about the product either. If you like the bottle and the product name, let’s read what else it says on the bottle.
Image from McKernan Packaging
Episode 2. What about the bottle?
Cosmetic bottles are made of glass, plastic, or aluminum. Glass is strong, easily recyclable, and transparent, so the product can be seen inside the bottle. But glass is heavy compared to other materials. It can also break and crack, which can be dangerous, especially for children.
For that reason, Nuthatch Naturals® comes in a plastic bottle. Plastic comes in many types, from soft and flexible HDPE (high density polyethylene) to PET (used in soft drink bottles) and PVC (used for flooring). And there are many other types.
Except for PET, plastic is not easily to recycle, even if it has a recycling symbol on it. Most plastic bottles end up in an incinerator or garbage dump.
The most recyclable material is aluminum, like in aluminum cans. Aluminum bottles are harder, not squeezable, and more expensive. They can be recycled easily in regular recycling bins. For some cosmetic uses, aluminum bottles are a great solution.
Nuthatch Naturals® lotion bottles are made of PET (same as soda bottles) and can be recycled.
Are more expensive products worth it?
Skin care products come in many forms and can be very cheap or very expensive. They can cost as little as 50 cents per ounce for basic lotions or hundreds of dollars per ounce for luxury brands, sold in specialty retailers and department stores. You might wonder what the difference is between these products and if the more expensive ones are worth it. The answer is, it depends!
The price of a skin care product includes the cost to manufacture it, the cost of the ingredients, the cost of the packaging, and the cost of marketing. The manufacturing cost is usually about the same for both cheap and expensive products. However, the ingredient cost can be very different. Cheap products often use low-cost ingredients like mineral oil, parabens, or carbomer. They also use inexpensive fragrances and preservatives.
Fragrances can be very expensive, and all expensive products have other costly ingredients. Sometimes, these ingredients are made through special processes. Brands say that these expensive ingredients give special results.
But we don't always know if pricey products really work better than cheap ones. Big tests that prove medicines work are not used for cosmetics. Many brands don't share what kind of testing they have done. They leave it up to you to decide if you see a difference in your skin.
So, are all expensive products a waste of money? No, if you try a product and like it because of how it feels, smells, or makes your skin look, there's no reason not to keep buying it. If you can afford it and it makes you feel good, then the product is worth it!
Next episode coming on August 8!
Nuthatch Naturals® Daily Soothing Lotion is clinically tested by dermatologists, certified animal cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny program, and USDA Certified 100% Biobased. It is available here and on Free shipping is available for Amazon Prime members and on the website if you purchase a 3-pack. Let us know how you like it by rating and reviewing our product!